Troy Irving
Website Content © Troy Irving
My name is Troy Irving. I am a 3D animator based in Los Angeles and I mostly specialize in first person viewmodel animations.

I am proficient with Maya, Blender, and 3DS Max. I aim to maintain a constant high attention to detail (mechanically and visually) as well as a great perception of weight and flow. I accomplish this by using multiple references, along with my experience of shooting real firearms, then applying a personal touch.

My ideal animation is accurate to actual firearm operation with slightly exaggerated forces, at whatever speed is best suited for gameplay; so that is what I create.

Infinity Ward
(2020 - Present)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019)

QI Software
(2019 - 2020)
First Person Animator
Dead Matter

(2017 - 2020)
First Person Animator
Hell Let Loose

Blayze Games
(2015 - 2020)
First Person Animator
Bullet Force
Forward Assault
Project Gamma